Wednesday, August 31


IRCC IITBIndustrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay invites application from Indian Citizens for the temporary position of  Research Assistant for the sponsored project undertaken in the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA) of this Institute.

IRCC IITB Jobs 2011

IRCC IITBApplications are invited from the citizens of India for filling up the following temporary position for the sponsored project undertaken in the Department of Electrical Engineering of IRCC IITB Institute. The position is temporary initially for a period of  1 Year  and tenable only for the duration of the project.

Indian Rare Earth Limited Recruitment 2011

IRELIndian Rare Earth Limited (IREL) under Department of Atomic Energy, A Government of India Undertaking. Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following posts on regular basis in the Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) pay scale.

IREL Orissa Jobs 2011

IRELIndian Rare Earths Limited  IREL, a Public Sector Undertaking under the Administrative control of Department of Atomic Energy, (DAE) requires Manager (Medical) and Medical Officer (Female) for its unit located in Odisha (Orissa).

NAARM Recruitment 2011

icarlogoNational Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) Hyderabad invites application for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC)   temporary posts  in administrative category at NAARM, Hyderabad. Advertisement No.NAARM/01/2011.

The Nainital Bank Limited Jobs 2011

Nainital BankThe Nainital Bank Limited, Nainital requires Company Secretary in Officers’ Grade/Scale-II in the pay scale of Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100) Gross Salary around Rs. 32,000/- plus other allowances at Nainital.

NEPA Hospital Recruitment 2011

NEPANEPA Hospital recruitment for the post of Staff Nurse and Nursing Orderly will be held in  North Eastern Police Academy, Umsaw, Umaim, Meghalaya.

NFDB Recruitment 2011 Chief Executive

indiaMinistry of Agriculture, Department Of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries is proposed to fill the post of Chief Executive  in National Fisheries Development Board,Hyderabad (an autonomous body under  the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries of this Ministry), which will fall vacant on 01.03.2012, on deputation basis from amongst the officers under the Central Government/State Governments/Union Territories/ Agricultural Universities/ Indian Council of Agricultural Research/Recognized Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings.

ESIC Faculty Recruitment August 2011

ESICEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Parliament (ESI Act, 1948) and works under the administrative control of Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.  ESIC proposes  to recruit Dean, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors for ESI PGIMSRs, ESIC Medical Colleges and ESIC Dental College on direct recruitment basis.

High Court of Allahabad Recruitment 2011

High Court of Judicature at Allahabad requires System Officers/ System Assistants under E-Court Project. Applications are invited for the recruitment of System Officers/ System Assistants, at Allahabad High Court, and District Courts of Uttar Pradesh under E-Court Project on contract basis.