Thursday, July 21

PTCUL Uttarakhand Recruitment 2011

Power Transmission Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited (PTCUL), a State Transmission Utility invites application from eligible Indian Nationals for appointment to the following positions.

NIHFW Recruitment 2011

National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) is an Autonomous / Apex Technical Institute  under the aegis of  the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. NIHFW invites application for the following posts.

NIHFW Delhi Vacancies 2011 Supervisor, Assistants and Data Entry Operators

NIHFWNational Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) is an Autonomous / Apex Technical Institute funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for promoting Health and Family Welfare Programmes in the country through Education & Training, Research & Evaluation, specialized services, consultancy and advisory service.

NIIFT Recruitment 2011 Assistant Professors

NIIFTApplications  are invited  for the following faculty & staff positions for NIIFT (Northern India Institute of Fashion Technology), Mohali and its Centre at Ludhiana & Jalandhar. All appointments will be taken on probation for a period of two years and thereafter finding them suitable, there services would be considered for regularization.

BEML Limited Bangalore Recruitment 2011

BEML Limited, a pioneering Multi Business (Defence, Rail & Metro, Mining & Construction, Aerospace and Dredging) Heavy Engineering Company has forayed into Aerospace Manufacturing to produce and supply Ground Handling Equipment's, Ground Support Equipment's, Tooling and Components for Aerospace applications. The Company is looking for experienced Aerospace R&D personnel, for the following positions.