Tuesday, January 18

Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board


Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board invites various vacancies

Employment Notice For

Director, Head, Division of Agricultural Engineering for Arid Productions Systems, Principal Scienti


Across India


Across India

Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Age as on 14-02-2010 Educational and Technical Qualification
1 Director 01 Rs.75,000/- PM Below 60 Yrs (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) An eminent scientist / teacher having at least 8 years experience in the grade of Principal Scientist (Rs.16400- 22400) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position out of which 3 years experience should be in Research Management Position or in an equivalent position
Desirable: The candidate should have demonstrated scientific leadership and skill in research management with a broad vision and perspective of agricultural research with specific reference to Abiotic system.
2 Director 01 Rs.37,400-67,000/- PM (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture or related Agriculture disciplines including relevant basic sciences. (ii) At least 5 years experience as a Scientist in the pay scale of Rs.16400-20000 (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position.
(iii) Evidence of contributions to research / teaching / extension education as supported by published work /innovations.
Desirable: (i) Specialization in Horticultural Crops with special reference to plantation crops. (ii) Experience in a Research Management Position with evidence of scientific leadership, vision/ perspective on agricultural research
3 Director 01 Doctoral degree in Agricultural Entomology / Plant Pathology / Zoology / Entomology including relevant basic sciences
Desirable: (i) Specialization in the field of Agriculturally Important Insects.(ii) Experience in a Research Management Position with evidence of scientific leadership, vision/ perspective on agricultural research
4 Director 01 (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture or in any branch of Agricultural Science including relevant basic sciences.
Desirable: (i) Specialization in Horticulture / Plantation Crops and research experience on Spices..(ii) Experience in a Research Management Position with evidence of scientific leadership, vision/ perspective on agricultural research
5 Project Director 01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Animal Breeding & Genetics / Animal Nutrition / Animal Physiology / Animal Reproduction / Livestock Production Management including relevant basic sciences.
Desirable: (i) Specialization and experience in Cattle Breeding and production. (ii)Experience in a Research Management Position with evidence of scientific leadership, vision/ perspective on agricultural research
6 Joint Director 01 (i) Doctoral degree in Veterinary Virology / Veterinary Immunology / Veterinary Bacteriology / Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Epidemology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) At least 5 years experience as a Scientist in the pay scale of Rs.16400-20000 (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position.
(iii) Evidence of contributions to research / teaching / extension education as supported by published work /innovations.
Desirable: (i) Specialization and experience in animal disease with special reference to development of diagnostics and control measures.
7 Joint Director 01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Veterinary Science / Animal Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) At least 5 years experience as a Scientist in the pay scale of Rs.16400-20000 (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position.
(iii) Evidence of contributions to research / teaching / extension education as supported by published work /innovations
Desirable: (i) Specialization in Animal Health / Animal Production and experience of research and teaching in livestock and poultry.(ii)Experience in a Research Management Position with evidence of scientific leadership, vision/ perspective on agricultural research
8 Head 01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agril. Sciences or any other subject related to plant protection sciences / Plant Pathology / Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in viral and / or mycoplasmal diseases particularly of fruits and vegetables.
9 Head, Division of Agricultural
Engineering for Arid Productions
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agricultural Engineering / Farm Machinery & Power/Agricultural Structures & Process Engineering including relevant basic sciences (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Arid Zone Research.
10 Head, CAZRI Regional
Research Station, Jaisalmer under
CAZRI, Jodhpur
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any discipline related to Agricultural Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Arid Zone Research.
11 Head, CAZRI Regional
Research Station, Bikaner under
CAZRI, Jodhpur
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences including relevant basic sciences (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Arid Zone Research.
12 Head, Division of Transfer
of Technology
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of pure or Applied Sciences / Agricultural Engineering / Textile Technology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in transfer of technology relating to post-harvest processing of cotton including ginning, quality testing, spinning, weaving, knitting, chemical and biochemical processing/finishing and cotton by products utilization.
13 Head, Division of Quality
Evaluation & Improvement
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Physics / Textile Physics / Fibre Science / Fibre Technology / Biophysics including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience: (a) contribution to the development and standardization of test methods / instruments for cotton textiles. (b) supervision of physical testing of cotton.
14 Head, Division of Chemical
& Biochemical Processing
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Textile Chemistry / Chemical Engineering / Chemistry / Bio-Chemistry / Agricultural Structure & Process Engineering including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization in quality evaluation of fibres, BIS specifications, experience in designing and working of measuring equipment/instruments in respect of fibres specially Jute and Allied Fibres, extraction and processing of fibre.
15 Head, Division of Quality
Evaluation & Improvement
01 Qualifications Essential: (i) Doctoral degree after M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Physics / Chemistry / Bio-chemistry / Micro-biology / Instrumentation including relevant basic sciences (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization in quality evaluation of fibres, BIS specifications, experience in designing and working of measuring equipment / instruments in respect of fibres specially Jute and Allied Fibres, extraction and processing of fibre.
16 Head, Division of Lac
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agril. Entomology / Zoology / Botany / Plant breeding / Agronomy / Genetics including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and working experience in the field of Lac Crop Production with particular reference to insect-host management, mass culture and biological control leaded to lac insect
17 Head, Division of
Processing & Product
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Engineering / Chemical Engineering/ Polymer Engineering / Organic Chemistry including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization & relevant experience in process / equipment design for agricultural produce, Preferably, natural resins and gums.
18 Head, Division of Farm
Machinery & Post Harvest
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Engineering / Farm Machinery and Power including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Design and Development of Farm Machinery and Post Harvest Processing.
19 Head, Division of Crop
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding / Genetics / Botany or allied disciplines including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience – The candidate should have experience of working on forage crops in the field of Crop Improvement.
20 Head, Division of Plant
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Pathology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in the field of Plant Pathology related to Horticultural Crops.
21 Head, Central Horticultural
Experiment Station, Bhubaneswar
under IIHR, Bangalore
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture or any other branch of Agricultural Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in the field of Horticultural Crops.
22 Head, Division of Crop
Physiology, Bio-chemistry & Post
Harvest Technology
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Crop Physiology or Biochemistry / Microbiology / Horticulture / Botany including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in Potato / Tuber Crop or Vegetable Crop.
23 Head, Division of Crop
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture or Allied Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in Tropical Tuber Crops.
24 Head, Division of Crop
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Chemistry / Agronomy / Soil Science / Crop Physiology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization in hill farming, resource conservation and wasteland management.
25 Project Coordinator, Renewable Sources of Energy for Agriculture and Agro-based Industries under CIAE, Bhopal 01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Engineering (with specialization in Farm power & Machinery) / Engineering including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of contribution to research/teaching/extension education as supported by published work / innovations.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Agricultural Energy and Power / Renewal sources of Energy (Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass Producer gas, Bio-fuel etc.).
26 Head, Division of Irrigation
& Drainage Engineering
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering / Agricultural Engineering including relevant basic sciences (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization in design of agro-processing machinery/ food engineering / food quality & safely.
27 Head, NBSS&LUP Regional
Centre, Jorhat under NBSS&LUP,
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Soil Science / Agril. Chemistry / Agronomy / Geography including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and experience cognate to the job requirement (Soil Survey, Genesis, Classifications, Soil-Land & Scape relationship, Land Use Planning).
28 Head, CSWCR&TI Regional
Centre, Koraput under CSWCR&TI,
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agricultural Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization in the field of Soil & Water Conservation and Watershed Management.
29 Head, Division of
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Veterinary Bacteriology and / or Virology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization & experience in Veterinary Standardization.
30 Head, Division of
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Veterinary Parasitology including relevant basic sciences.(ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization & experience in the field of Veterinary Parasitology.
31 Head, Division of Veterinary
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine including relevant basic sciences.(ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization & research experience in the field of Veterinary Medicine
32 Head, Division of Livestock
Economics & Statistics
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural / Livestock Economics or Statistics or Bio-statistics including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization & experience in the field of Agricultural / Livestock Economics or Statistics or Bio-statistics.
33 Head, CIFRI Regional
Centre, Guwahati under CIFRI,
01 (i) Doctoral degree in (a) Fisheries Science or (b) Zoology / Environmental Science / Statistics / Chemistry / Economics or related subject with specialization in Inland Fisheries Management including relevant basic sciences.(ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Experience in research work in fisheries / ecology population dynamics / aquatic environment / biodiversity in inland waters viz rivers, estuaries, reservoirs & wetlands.
34 Head, Division of Fishery
Resources Assessment
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Statistics / Agricultural Statistics / Agricultural Economics / Fisheries Sciences / Aquaculture / Zoology / Marine Biology / Oceanography / Aquatic Biology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in Fisheries Statistics / Agricultural Statistics / Fish Population Dynamics and stock assessment and relevant experience in fisheries resources assessment.
35 Head, Division of
Information & Communication
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Agricultural and allied sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) A Scientist in the pay scale of (Rs.16400-20000) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. OR 8 years experience as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12000-18300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position (iii) Evidence of publications/ activities/ contributions to suggest that the candidate has a broad vision/ perspective on agricultural research.
Desirable: Experience in Information Technology / Information and Communication Management / Computer Application and Networking / Distance education.
36 Head, Division of Crop
Improvement & Biotechnology
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture, Biotechnology, Plant Breeding / Allied disciplines including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in job no. 8 above. Desirable: Specialization & experience in improvement including technology or Bio-technology in horticultural crops.
.37 Head, Division of Crop
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Horticulture / Agronomy / Soil Science / Plant Physiology / Plant Biochemistry / Organic Chemistry including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in job no. 8 above.
Desirable: Specialization & experience in the field of production technology of different Spices Crops.
38 Head, Division of
01 (i) Doctoral degree in any branch of Chemical / Mechanical / Electrical Engineering / Instrument Technology / Naval Architecture / Agriculture Engineering including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in job no. 8 above. Desirable: Specialization & experience in published work of high quality in Research / Teaching with specialization reference in any branch of Chemical / Mechanical / Technical / Electrical / Instrument Technology and Naval Architecture and Agricultural Engineering.
39 Project Coordinator (Salt
Affected and Use of Saline Water
in Agriculture)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Soil Science / Agronomy / Soil and Water Engineering including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in job no. 8 above.
Desirable: Specialization & experience of research work related to salinity / irrigation water quality problems in agriculture.
40 Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) at Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Centre, Vishnupur, Begusarai (Bihar) under DMR, New Delhi 01 52 Yrs (i) Doctoral degree in Genetics / Plant Breeding including relevant basic sciences. (ii) 10 years experience in research / teaching / extension education provided 3 years experience is as a Senior Scientist (Rs.12,000 – 18,300) (pre-revised) or in an equivalent position. (iii) Evidence of contribution to research / teaching / extension education as supported by published work / innovations.
Desirable: Specialization in the field of Maize Breeding.
41 Principal Scientist (Plant
01 Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding / Genetics / Biotechnology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in Maize Breeding.
42 Principal Scientist
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agronomy including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and research experience in Maize Agronomy.
43 Principal Scientist (Plant
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Pathology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of oilseeds research.
44 Principal Scientist (Plant
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding / Botany / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Plant Biotechnology / Plant Breeding including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of Forage Crop Breeding.
45 Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding), IGFRI Regional Research Station, Avikanagar under IGFRI, Jhansi 01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding / Genetics / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Botany with specialization in Plant Biotechnology / Genetics / Plant Biotechnology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of item No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in Crop Improvement of field crops.
46 Principal Scientist
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Forestry / Botany / Agro-forestry including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of item No. 40 above.
Desirable: (i) Experience in Integrated agro-forestry based research in hills. (ii) Experience in Farming system research.
47 Principal Scientist (Plant
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding / Genetics including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in hill crops.
48 Principal Scientist (Farm
Machinery & Power)
03 (i) Doctoral degree in Farm machinery & Power including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Farm Machinery & Power
49 Principal Scientist
(Agricultural Structures & Process
02 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Structures & Process Engineering / Food Engineering including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Agricultural Structure & Process Engineering / Food Engineering.
50 Principal Scientist
(Biochemistry – Plant Science)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Biochemistry (Plant Science) including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Food Biochemistry / Soybased Food.
51 Principal Scientist
(Agricultural Meteorology)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Meteorology / Meteorology / Agril. Physics with specialization in Agricultural Meteorology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above. Desirable: Specialization and experience in research in the field of Agricultural Meteorology.
52 Principal Scientist (Fish &
Fishery Science) at Centre located
at Rohtak (Haryana) under CIFE,
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Fish & Fisheries Science / Aquaculture / Zoology (with specialization in Fishery Science) / Biological Oceanography / Marine Biology including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of item No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and relevant experience in teaching / research in Fish & Fishery Science with special reference to enhanced fisheries, fisheries co-management / aquaculture for rural communities, etc.
53 Principal Scientist (Animal
Genetics & Breeding)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Animal Genetics & Breeding / Poultry Science with specialization in Poultry Breeding including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Poultry Breeding.
54 Principal Scientist (Animal Genetics & Breeding) at Bhubaneswar Centre of CARI, Izatnagar 01 (i) Doctoral degree in poultry science with specialization in Poultry Breeding/Animal Genetics & Breeding including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Poultry / Duck Breeding.
55 Principal Scientist (Soil
Chemistry / Soil Fertility)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Soil Science (Soil Chemistry / Soil Fertility) including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Hands on experience of handling sophisticated instruments related to soil fertility and modeling.
56 Principal Scientist (Agricultural Economics) 01 (i) Doctoral degree in Agricultural Economics including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above. Desirable: Experience related to socio-economic aspects of Farming Systems Research.
57 Principal Scientist
01 Doctoral degree in Agronomy including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in farming systems research
58 Principal Scientist
(Agronomy – AICRP on ECF)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in relevant subject of Agronomy including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in the field of copping / farming system research on cultivator’s field.
59 Principal Scientist (Fish &
Fisheries Science)
02 (i) Doctoral degree in Fisheries / Zoology/Aquatic Biology/Bio-Sciences including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in Fish & Fisheries Science.
60 Principal Scientist (Soil
Chemistry / Fertility / Microbiology)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Soil Science / Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and experience in Soil Chemistry / Fertility / Microbiology related to soil health and nutrient management.
61 Principal Scientist
(Microbiology – Plant Science)
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Microbiology (Plant Science) including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization and relevant experience in different processes and equipment evolved in Post Harvest Management of farm produce.
62 Principal Scientist (Plant
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Plant Breeding including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in the field of oilseed crop improvement preferably rapeseed-mustard.
63 Principal Scientist
(Livestock Production &
01 (i) Doctoral degree in Livestock Production & Management including relevant basic sciences. (ii) & (iii) As in Essential Qualification No. (ii) & (iii) of job No. 40 above.
Desirable: Specialization in production and management of Dairy Animals and Small Ruminants.

Application Fee- Crossed Demand Draft {to be enclosed in horizontal position} for Rs. 500/-, valid for 6 (six) months, and drawn in favour of SECRETARY, ASRB payable at New Delhi (India). For the candidates abroad, the application fee should be accompanied with a crossed International Bank Draft for US $ 20 drawn in favour of SECRETARY, ASRB payable at New Delhi (India). However, the SC/ST/Women/ Physically Challenged candidates are exempted from paying the application fee.

How to Apply -Applications Forms (Application Form-2010 for Direct Selection), and other relevant documents / details can be downloaded from websites -
http:/www.icar.org. in and http:/www.asrb.org.in. The same can also be provided to the candidate on his/her request to the Secretary, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012. Application of the candidate in any other format will be summarily rejected.Incomplete Application Forms are liable to be rejected. (b) The application form complete in all respects should reach the Secretary, ASRB by the closing date. Application forms received after the closing date will not be entertained. (c) In case a candidate anticipates delay in forwarding of his/her application form ‘Through Proper Channel’, he/she must send an ‘Advance Copy’ of the application form to the SECRETARY, ASRB, KAB-I, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 on or before the 14-02-2011.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute


Indian Agricultural Research Institute invites RA, Skilled Worker

Employment Notice For

RA, Skilled Worker


New Delhi



Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Age Limit Educational and Technical Qualification
1 RA 01 Rs.22000/- pm 40 Yrs Ph.D .in Genetics, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology, Agricultural Botany or M.Sc. with 3 years experience in above mentioned subjects with 1st division (60% marks or above) or equivalent grade point average as evidenced from Fellowship/Associate ship/ Training/ other engagements
Desirable: Published research papers, working knowledge of MS Word, MS Office, Power point, etc.
2 Skilled Worker 01 Rs.6000/-pm - Matriculate
Desirable: Working experience in agricultural operations.

Application Fee- No.

How to Apply -Eligible candidates have to Bring bio-data, original certificates (and copy) and other relevant documents, attested recent passport photograph.

Date and Time- On 02.02.2011 at 10.00 AM

Venue- In the office of the Head, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi.

Food Corporation of India (FCI)


Food Corporation of India (FCI) invites various vacancies

Employment Notice For

Management Trainee (Depot), Management Trainee (Accounts), Management Trainee (General) and More


Across India


Across India

Last Date



Name of the Post No of Vacancies Out of which Pay Scale Age Limit Educational Qualification
1 Management Trainee (Depot) 12 04 50 107 173 08 Rs.8500/- PM 28 Yrs Post Graduate Degree/Post Graduate Diploma of 2 years full time duration or 3 years part time in Business Management/Industrial Relations/MCA from a recognized University/Institute
2 Management Trainee (Accounts) 09 04 35 81 129 08 CA/AICWA/ACWA (London)/MBA (finance) from a recognized University/Institute
3 Management Trainee (General) 41 20 79 158 298 09 Post Graduate Degree/Post Graduate Diploma of 2 years full time duration or 3 years part time in Business Management/Industrial Relations/MCA from a recognized University/Institute
4 Management Trainee (Movement) 01 - - 05 06 02 Post Graduate Degree/Post Graduate Diploma of 2 years full time duration or 3 years part time in Business Management/Industrial Relations/MCA from a recognized University/Institute RESERVATION AND

Application Fee- a Demand Draft of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) made through a bank drawn in favour of Food Corporation of India, payable at Noida for North Zone, Chennai for South Zone, Kolkata for East Zone, Mumbai for West Zone & Guwahati for North East Zone. No other mode of payment would be accepted. The date of issue of demand draft should not be before 08.01.2011 and should be valid for six months. Fees will not be returned/adjusted against future exams in any case.

How to Apply -Application can be made in online mode only. The candidates have to fill all the details online, then take a print out of filled form, affix photo & put signatures at designated places & then send the form along with demand draft & photocopies of certificates to the Post Box Number as given on website by ordinary post. Please note that five separate portals are active for five different Zones. A candidate may apply for one Zone or more than one Zone but he has to go through the Recruitment process separately for each Zone from application stage till selection.The online application window can be accessed at http://specialtest.in/fci from 15.01.2011 to 14.02.2011 for East Zone, North East Zone and 22-01-2011 to 21-02-2011 for North Zone, West Zone & South Zone. Printout of application with required documents should reach the designated post box by 28.02.2011 for East Zone, North East Zone and 08-03-2011 for North Zone, West Zone & South Zone. For candidates residing in far flung areas, the last date for submission of application in the designated post box is 07.03.2011 & 15.03.2011 respectively.

Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre


Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre invites Senior Research Fellow

Employment Notice For

Senior Research Fellow





Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Duration Educational and Technical Qualification
1 Senior Research Fellow 01 Rs.60000/- p.m 1 Year M.Tech from IIT system, at least 4 years experience. C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Unix, Shell.

Application Fee- No.

How to Apply -Candidate possessing the requisite qualification and experience should apply online at http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in/IRCC-Webpage/HRMSLoginPage.jsp , if there is any problem applying online, candidates may apply on plain paper stating the CIRCULAR , project title, position applied for, name,permanent and mailing addresses,date of birth,details of academic qualification and experience or download the Application form available on http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in/IRCC-Webpage/projstaffinfo.jsp with the copies of certificates/testimonials and must super scribe the envelope with CIRCULAR __________ & POST:_________ to the grep Senior Administrative Officer(R & D),Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076 so as to reach on or before 24th January, 2011 Candidates called for interview will be required to attend at their own expenses.

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research


Indian Institute of Science Education and Research invites JRF/SRF

Employment Notice For






Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Fellowship Educational and Technical Qualification
1 JRF/SRF 01 Rs.12000/- p.m M. Sc. in Organic/General Chemistry with 55% marks + Qualified in any of the following national exams: NET-JRF, NET-LS, GATE. Candidates with experience in organic chemistry research will be given preference

Application Fee- No.

How to Apply -Interested candidates must call 04712599412 or email at kms@iisertvm.ac.in before the interview. bring originals of the certificate for the qualifying degrees, age and National Examinations as well as the category certificate if applicable. No TA/DA will be allowed

Date and Time- On Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 9:00AM

Venue- Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER),Computer Science Building, CET Campus,Kulathoor Road, Thiruvananthapuram-695016.

IIM Calcutta


IIM Calcutta invites various vacancies

Employment Notice For

Senior Administrative Officer,Administrative Officer,Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil) and More




West Bengal

Last Date



Name of the Post No. of Vacancies Age Pay Scale Educational Qualification
SC ST OBC Gen Total
01. Senior Administrative Officer 01 - 01 - 02 Below 50 Yrs Rs. 15600-39100/- PM Post-graduate/Engineering degree with 20 years experience in administrative work and at least 5 years experience in posts not below the rank of Administrative Officer in the scale of Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-.
02. Administrative Officer - - 01 - 01 Below 45 Yrs Minimum Bachelor’s degree but preference will be given to those having post graduate qualifications and with minimum 15 years relevant work experience in positions are in Admissions department (dealing with Common Admission Test-CAT, selection of candidates for admission etc.); Security/ General Administration etc.
03. Sub-Assistant Engineer (Civil) - - - 01 01 Below 30 Yrs Rs. 9300-34800/- PM Diploma in Civil Engineering with 5 years relevant experience in Projects execution and maintenance work may also apply
04. Sub-Assistant Engineer (Electrical) - - - 01 01 Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Supervisory License will be preferred) with 5 years professional experience in Substation Equipment/H.T.D.G. Sets, Pumps, Lift/AC Plant, UPS, Energy meter, Electricity billing etc.
05. Works Accountant - - - 01 01 Below 50 Yrs Passed SAS (Indian Audit & Accounts Department) examination with 3years professional experience in managing works accounts in a division or
Passed Divisional Test Examination (Indian Audit & Accounts Department) with 5 years experience as Divisional Accountant in PWD Division.or
Member of the Institute of Costs & Works Accountants of India with 10 years professional experience.
06. Executive Assistant - 01 - - 01 Below 35 Yrs

Bachelor’s Degree with 3(three) years relevant experience in the post scale of Stenographer.

07. Officer – (Official Language)
[5 years on contract]
- - - 01 01 Below 50 Yrs Rs. 35,000/- p.m. (i) Master degree in Hindi with English as a subject at degree level from a recognized University or equivalent or (ii) Master’s degree in English with Hindi as a subject at degree level from a recognized University or equivalent.
Experience: 10-15 years relevant experience in Govt. of India organization in implementing official language including translation, preparing circulars, annual reports etc

Application Fee- A Demand Draft of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) (DD not required for SC/ST & female candidates) payable at Kolkata drawn in favour of “Indian Institute of Management Calcutta”.

How to Apply -Interested candidates may apply on plain paper for all positions addressed to the Senior Administrative Officer (HRD), Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata: 700 104, furnishing full particulars of qualifications, experience, salary drawn along with names of two referees enclosing a demand draft Candidates working in the Government Departments/Autonomous organizations should apply through proper channel. The authority reserves the right to reject/accept any candidature without assigning any reason. Application should reach by January 27, 2011.

Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank


Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank invites 83 Officer Scale-I, Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

Employment Notice For

Officer Scale-I, Office Assistant (Multipurpose)


Across Maharashtra



Last Date


Exam or Walk-in Date



Name of the Post No of Vacancies Out of which Pay Scale Age Limit Educational Qualification
1 Officer Scale-I 03 02 06 12 23 01 02 Rs. 14500-25700/- PM 18-28 Yrs Bachelor degree of a recognized University in any discipline or its equivalent. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy
Proficiency in local language i.e. Marathi
Computer knowledge or awareness will be an added qualification
2 Office Assistant
- 07 21 32 60 02 06 Rs. 7200-19300/- PM (i) Bachelor Degree or its equivalent of a recognized University in any discipline (ii)
(a) Essential : Proficiency in local language i.e. Marathi (b) Desirable: Knowledge of Computer skills.

Application Fee- Application Fees for SC/ST/PWD/EXS Rs.50/- and OBC/ GEN Rs.350/- Requisite application fee including postage must be paid only by means of Bank demand draft issued by a Scheduled Bank, payable at Solapur in favour of “Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank Recruitment Project-2011’. Candidate’s Name, Address, Registration Number, Post applied for and Name of the Centre should be written on the reverse of the Bank Demand Draft.

How to Apply -Candidates are required to apply ON LINE through Bank’s website www.wkgb.co.in, Candidate should have a valid personal e-mail id. In case, candidate does not have valid e-mail id, he/she should create a new e-mail id. This e-mail id should be valid for the duration of the project. System generated print out of the application, complete in all respect, should be sent by ordinary post so as to reach latest by 24.02.2011 on the following specified post box number only in a cover super scribing “Print out of Application for the post ______________- Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank Recruitment Project 2011”. Duly filled in applications are to be sent by ordinary post at the address given below: For Office Assistants Post Box No. 9007, Goregaon- East, Mumbai 400 063 and For Officer Scale- I Post Box No. 8364 Jogeshwari- West Mumbai 400 102, The application must be accompanied by a Bank Demand Draft of value mentioned as above, as the case may be, along with Xerox copies of following documents. Unless the hard copy of the system generated printout of the Online Application Form along with all the relevant enclosures is received at the prescribed address mentioned above the online application will not be considered valid.

National Institute Of Rural Development


National Institute Of Rural Development invites various vacancies

Employment Notice For

Assoc. Project Scientist (IP), Assoc. Project Scientist (GIS),Assoc. Project Scientist (GPS) and Mor




Andhra Pradesh

Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Period Educational and Technical Qualification
1 Assoc. Project Scientist (IP) 01 Rs.12000/- PM Upto
31st March, 2011
M.Tech./ M.Sc (Geo-informatics) & with Physics / Mathematics / Statistics as one of the subjects in Graduation
Exp- One year in Image Processing and good knowledge of Image Processing Softwares
2 Assoc. Project Scientist (GIS) 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc (Geo-informatics) & with Physics / Mathematics / Statistics as one of the subjects in Graduation
Exp- One year in GIS and good knowledge of GIS based Softwares
3 Assoc. Project Scientist (GPS) 01 M.Sc (Geo-informatics / Physics / Mathematics)
Exp- One year in handling GPS / DGPS Instruments and Digital Surveying
4 Assoc. Project Scientist (Photogrammetry) 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc (Geo-informatics)
Exp-Good experience in Photogrammetry / Analysis of Stereo data
5 Assoc. Project Scientist (Digital Surveying) 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc (Geo-informatics) & with Degree in Computer Science / MCA
Exp- Knowledge of Digital Surveying or experience in similar kind of work
6 Assoc. Project Scientist (Data Conversion) 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc (Geo-informatics) & with Degree in Computer Science / MCA
Exp- One year in Scanning Digitization and database creation for Geo-informatics
7 Assoc. Project Scientist 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc in Earth Sciences
Exp-One year in Image Analysis & Classification or related fields
8 Assoc. Project Scientist (GIS Programming) 01 M.Tech./ M.Sc. (Geo-informatics / Computers)
Exp-One year in Writing Programmes using dotnet, HTML, Java and related areas
9 Sr. Scanning Asst. 01 Rs.10000/- PM Post Graduate Degree in Arts/ Science with PGDCA
Exp-One year in Project work related to Scanning and Auto vectorisation
10 Project Assistant 01 Rs.12000/- PM Post Graduation in Earth Science/ Geography / M.Tech (IT)
Exp- Proven ability in Data Analysis and in Project Report Writing. Retired Persons in similar field preferred.

Application Fee- No

How to Apply - The candidates who fulfill the qualifications / experience may attend the interview on 19th January, 2011 and register themselves on or before 10.00 am at CGARD, NIRD and bring with them CV, Xerox copies of a set of relevant certificates and original certificates for verification. Candidates should come prepared for attending the Walk-in-interview on 19th January, 2011 before 10.00 am at CGARD, NIRD. They should come prepared for written / trade test and interview at CGARD, NIRD, Hyderabad. The written test / trade test is meant basically to assess the suitability of the candidates. No TA/DA will be given for attending the Walk-in-Interview

Date and Time- On 19th January, 2011 at 10.00 am

Venue- Centre On Geoinformatics Application In Rural Development, (National Institute Of Rural Development), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030.

Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture


Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture invites Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow

Employment Notice For

Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow





Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Age(M/F) Educational and Technical Qualification
1 Senior
01 Rs.12000/- PM 35/40 Yrs Master degree in Biotechnology/ Aquaculture Biotechnology/ Aquaculture/ Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/ Zoology/ Microbiology Preference could be given with proven working experience in molecular biology.
2 Senior
02 Essential M.F.Sc/ M.Sc(Zoology) M.Sc Life Science Condition: The project requires stay at the cluster site & monitor project implementation.
3 Junior
01 M.F. Sc (freshwater Aquaculture/ Master Degree in Microbiology or Biotechnology)
Desirable: Preference will be given to GATE/NET qualified candidates.
4 Senior
01 M.Sc (Microbiology/Zoology
Desirable: Experience in fish immunology / molecular biology. Good academic career (1st class career throughout)

Application Fee- No

How to Apply - Interested candidates should bring their bio-data (5 sets) with two passport size photographs and attested copies of certificates/mark-sheets/experience certificate and proof of age to be produced at the time of interview. Original Certificates may be produced for verification. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview

Date and Time- On 18th to 22nd January, 2011 at 11.00 am

Venue- CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002.

Indian Bank


Indian Bank invites Faculty Members

Employment Notice For

Faculty Members




Tamil Nadu

Last Date



Name of the Posts No of Vacancies Pay Scale Age as on 01-07-2010 Educational and Technical Qualification
1 Faculty Members 05 Rs.30,000/- PM 55-62 Yrs a. Credit including infrastructure Financing, b. Forex and Treasury,
c. Risk Management, d. Marketing, e. Soft Skills
Exp- Exposure in the relevant field for a minimum period of 5 years in Senior Management Cadre in Scale V to VII in a bank.
Candidates should have specialization in the applied field during the immediate preceding 5 years.

Application Fee- No

How to Apply -Application should be submitted only in the prescribed proforma which can be downloaded from our Bank’s website – www.indianbank.in with all particulars regarding educational qualification and experience supported by relevant Certificates and be sent in a separate cover superscribed “ENGAGEMENT OF SPECIALISED FACULTY MEMBERS” to the following address so as to reach on or before 25.01.2011. Assistant General Manager Indian Bank, Head Office, HRM Department 66, Rajaji Salai, Chennai – 600 001 Application received after this date will be rejected and not considered.