Saturday, April 2



West Bengal Public Service Commission-Judicial Service Exam 2011

West Bengal Judicial Service Exam 2011 by West Bengal Public Service Commission
The Commission will hold a competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in West Bengal Judicial Service:
West Bengal Judicial Service: 73 Posts[Unreserved: 48, SC: 07, ST: 04, BC: 12(Category A: 07, Category B: 05), PH: 02].

Goa Public Service Commission-Officers Recruitment 2011

Recruitment of Junior Scale Officers by Goa Public Service Commission April 2011
Applications are invited by the Commission for the below mentioned posts.
Junior Scale Officer of Goa Civil Service: 03 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600-39,100+5,400/-

The Indian Navy-SSC Officer Recruitment 2011

Recruitment of Short Service Commissioned Officers in The Indian Navy April 2011

Application are invited from unmarried Men and Women candidates for SSC in Air Traffic Control(ATC) Cadre of Executive Branch course commencing January 2012 at Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala.

Central University of Rajasthan-Recruitment April 2011

Recruitment for Non Teaching posts in Central University of Rajasthan(CUR)-Last Date Extended
Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions to be filled in a phased manner:
Teaching Positions:
  • Assistant Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Professors

Indian Army-SSC Officers Recruitment Apr’11

Recruitment of Short Service Commissioned Officer in Army Medical Corps in Indian Army 2011

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals both male and female who have passed their final MBBS examination for grant of Short Service Commission(SSC) in Army Medical Corps. Applicants for who have taken more than 2 chances in final MBBS need not apply.

Staff Selection commission(SSC) Southern Region-Recruitment 2011

Recruitment for various job vacancies in Staff Selection commission(SSC) Southern Region 2011

Staff Selection Commission(SSC) Southern Region(SR), Mumbai, invite application for the following posts in various Ministries/Offices of the Government of India:

Data Entry Operator vacancy in NPL

NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY (NPL)(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg (Near Pusa), New Delhi - 110012
National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi invites candidates for the post of Data Entry Operator :
  • Data Entry Operator : 10 posts on contract basis, Pay  : Rs. 14000/- per month consolidated, Age : 28 years

BMRC Recruitment 2011 of Section Engineers, Junior Engineers and Maintainers (Total 228 Posts) | BMRC Careers 2011

Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRC) is A Joint Venture of Government of India & Government of Karnataka. Applications are invited from eligible  Indian Nationals for the following posts (Total 228 Posts) in the Operation & Maintenance Wing of BMRCL.

Export Inspection Council of India Recruitment 2011 of Assistant Director, Technical Officer, Accounts Officer


Export Inspection Council of India (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India), the official export inspection and certification body established under Export (Quality Control & Inspection) Act, 1963 by the Government of India, invites applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the following posts in its field organisations, the Export Inspection Agencies having Head Offices at Chennai, Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai and net work of sub-offices / laboratories all over India.

EIC India Recruitment 2011 Assistant Director and Technical Officer | EIC India Careers 2011

Export Inspection Council of India (EIC) under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. EIC invites applications from Indian citizens for appointment to the following posts in its field organisations, the Export Inspection Agencies having Head Offices at Chennai, Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai and net work of sub-offices / laboratories all over India.

Export Inspection Council of India Jobs 2011 of Laboratory Attendant and Assistant (05 Vacancies)

Export Inspection Council of India (EIC), the official export inspection and certification body established under Export (Quality Control & Inspection) Act 1963 by the Government of India, invites applications from Indian citizens for appointment of Laboratory Attendant and Laboratory Assistant in its field organizations, the Export Inspection Agencies (EIA) having Head Offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kochi, Chennai and Kolkata and net work of sub-offices / laboratories all over India.

General knowledge

1. Which statement is correct?

a) All minerals are ores b) a mineral cannot be an ore c) An ore cannot be a mineral

d) All ores are minerals.

2. Tusk of elephant is
a) modified incisors b) modified canines  c) modified premolar d) modified molar

3. The book „Kathirmani Villakkam‟ was written by
a) A.K.Chettiar
b) Pandithamani Kathiresan Chettiar
c) Vellaivaranar
d) Auvai su.Duraisami pillai

4. Radioactivity was discovered by
a) Pierre Curie b) Madam Curie c) Rutherford d) Henri Becquerel

5.. The organism used by T.H. Morgan to study mutation was
a) Chlorella b) Drosophila c) Yeast d) Neurospora

6. Local government is a feature of
a) most modern states b) only democratic states c) only unitary states d) only federal states

7. The correct order of the Agam landscape is
a) Marutham,mullai,kurinji,paalai,neithal
b) Mullai, neithal,kurniji,marutham,paalai
c) Paalia,marutham,kurinji,mullai,marutham
d) Kurinji,mullai,marutham,neithal,paalai

8. Which state has topped the latest state-wise Education Development Index?
a) Tamil Nadu b) Kerala c) Karnataka d) Andhra Pradesh

9. Who has been named recently as the world‟s best paid author?
a) Paul Coelho b) salman rushdie c) Jeffery archer d) rowling

10. What does KDM 916 mean?
a) 9.16% pure gold b) 90.16% pure gold c) 9.16% copper d) 91.6 % pure gold

11. Natural system of Plant classification was proposed by
A) cronquist b) Engler and Prantil c) Linnaeus d) Bentham and Hooker

12. ………….. is regarded as the custodian of fundamental rights.
a) Prime minister b) Police commissioner c) Chief minister d) Judiciary

13. The pioneer scholar of chronology is
a) Maraimalai Adigal b) c) S.Vaiyapuri Pillai d) K.K.Pillai

14. Basalt and granite belong to which type of rocks ?
a) Igneous rocks b) Metamorphic rocks c) sedimentary rocks d) None of those

15. Which metal is used for Galvanisation of Iron?
a) Chromium b) Zinc c) Nickel d) Manganese

16. Detritus
a) feed upon organic decayed food from the soil
b) take food from plants
c) take food into endoplasm
d) take food from earthworm

17. The foremost economic problem of India‟s agricultural labourers is
a) low income b) heavy indebtedness c) Poor standard of living
d) absence of organized activity

18. How didi the sithars call „Vallarai Keerai‟ ?
a) Keerai b) Saraswathi c) Marunthu d) Lakshmi

19. Industrial sickness is nothing but
a) any one part of the factory is being affected
b) unable to pay back the debt
c) unable to create surplus income and running the industry only by receiving the debt
d) change in the ownership of industry

20. Fuse wire is a wire of ………….. resistance and ……….. melting point
a) low,high b) high,high c) low,low d) high,low

21. Who was the last governor general of the English east India company?
a) Lord canning b) William Bentinck c) Robert Clive d) Lord Ripon.

22. Darsana is
a) the vision of truth b) the vision of god c) the way of life d) none of these.

23. The study of age of the trees by counting annual rings is called
a) dendrogram b) dendrochronology c) Entomology d) Gerontology

24. Who was the Chairman of the Indian constituent assembly?
a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Rajendra Prasad d) Sardar patel

25. Linguistics schola ris
a) Aru.Ramanathan b) T.A.Gnanamurthy c) Na.Subbureddiar d) S.Agathialingam

26. Lead is considered as
a) Air pollutant b) water pollutant c) soil pollutant d) all of these.

27. Which of the following gases is adsorbed mostly by activated charcoal?
a) CO2 b) N2 c) CH4 d) Ar

28. Leprosy is a
a) viral disease b) bacterial disease c) dermatomyosistis d) none of these

29. Who is the chairman of the planning commission?
a) Minister of Planning b) Minister of state c) prime minister d) Deputy prime minister

30. whose songs were found to be more in number in „Purananooru‟?
a) Auvaiyar b) Kabilar c) Kovur Kizhar d) Paranar
Auvaiyar wrote 33 songs in purananooru but in sangam literature kabilar
wrote more number of songs.

31. Who is considered as the father of Indian renaissance?
a) Raja Rammohan roy b) Rabindranath Tagore c) B.M.Malabari d) M.G.Ranade