Thursday, February 9

RBI Chennai Recruitment 2012 Security Guards

rbiReserve Bank of India (RBI) invites application from Indian Citizens who fulfill the eligibility criteria regarding age, qualification, reservation (where applicable) and zone of recruitment etc for enlistment to the posts of Security Guard in Class IV cadre in Chennai Office. Advertisement No.  1/ 2011-12.

Post Name
No of posts
Age Limit
Pay Scale
Security Guards
18 and 25 years as on 31.12.2011 i.e. candidate born before 31.12.1986and on or after1.01.1994 are not eligible.
Minimum: Xth Std. pass.
Maximum: Under graduation. Graduates/ Diploma/ Degree holders need not apply.
How To Apply: Candidates must apply in the prescribed format of application. The format of the Application Form published herewith should not itself be used as Application.  Foolscap sheet (33 cm X 21 cm.) should be used for the Application.  Application may be preferably typewritten or neatly handwritten in English (Block Capital)/Hindi. Applications complete in all respects must reach to Regional Director for Tamil Nadu & Puducherry, Reserve Bank of India, 16, Rajaji  Salai, Chennai” on or before February 10 , 2012. Applications must be sent by ordinary post only. Cover containing application must be superscribed “Application for the post of Security Guard”.

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