General Recruitment:
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Scale of Pay |
1. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Electrical) | 67 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
2. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Mechanical) | 134 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
3. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Civil) | 21 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
4. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(C & I) | 30 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
5. | Jr.Engineer Gr-II (Elec.) | 90 | 28 Years | Rs.9,300-34.800/-in PB- 2(GP-Rs.4,200/-) |
6. | Jr.Engineer Gr-II (Mech.) | 216 | 28 Years | Rs.9,300-34.800/-in PB- 2(GP-Rs.4,200/-) |
7. | Jr.Engineer Gr-II (C &I) | 29 | 28 Years | Rs.9,300- 34.800/-in PB- 2(GP-Rs.4,200/- ) |
8. | Jr.Pharmacist Gr-II | 13 | 35 Years | Rs.5,200-20,200/-in PB- 1(GP-Rs.2600/-) |
9. | Assist.-cum -Jr.Hindi Translator | 02 | 35 Years | Rs.5,200-20,200/-in PB- 1(GP-Rs.2,650/-) |
Special Recruitment:
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Scale of Pay |
1. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Electrical) | 04 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
2. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Mechanical) | 04 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
3. | Graduate Engineer Trainees(Civil) | 01 | 29 years | Rs.15,600- 39.100/-in PB- 3(GP-Rs.5,650/-) |
Application Fee: General & OBC candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable Fee of 300/-( Three Hundred only) for posts from SL No. 1 to 4 under PART-A and a Non-refundable Fee of .200/-( Two Hundred only) from SL No 5 to 9 under PART-A with service charge as applicable to the bank. SC/ST/PH & DVC Candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
How To Apply: The application form duly signed and filled up, along with attested documents/testimonials as per Check List should be sealed in an envelope duly superscribed with – i) Name of the post & Post No. and ii) Category- GEN / OBC/ SC/ ST /PH/Ex-Servicemen (as the case may be). The envelope containing the filled in application (ONLY FOR OFFLINE POSTS UNDER SL 8 & 9 OF PART A) with enclosures should be sent only by ORDINARY POST to
The Joint Director of Personnel (Recruitment),HRD Deptt.(5th Floor),
DVC,DVC Towers,VIP Road, Kolkata-700054.WEST BENGAL (OR)
DVC,DVC Towers,VIP Road, Kolkata-700054.WEST BENGAL (OR)
The Joint Director of Personnel
o/o The Resident Director,
DVC,B.N.S. House, Main Road,Hinoo,
o/o The Resident Director,
DVC,B.N.S. House, Main Road,Hinoo,
The application duly filled in and complete in all respects may also be dropped by hand in the boxes kept at the above-mentioned addresses from 16.05.2011 to 5pm of 13.06.2011.
Detailed Information:
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